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So we begin to see that the pieces of this puzzle must be very tight-fitting indeed because 7 births can barely be squeezed into those time constraints. [27] The Moon was also a part of the calendar: "The moon begins to shine on the 1st of the month; its light increases until the 15th, when the disk [ ()] is full; from the 15th to the 30th it wanes; and on the 30th it is invisible."[28]. The Apostle John wrote the following account of the Woman and the Dragon in Revelation Chapter 12, which has a veiled reference to Gods plan of redemption for mankind the birth of Jesus: A great and wondrous sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head. An ideal date is found at that time, being Sat 6 Apr 1790 BC, which was the same day as her birth on the Sacred Round (1 Jaguar). That the birth of Jesus was after sunset is confirmed in Lukes description: And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. They show His power and majesty. The chief name connected with the revival of astronomical studies on the Baltic is that of David Gans of Prague (d. 1613), who corresponded with Kepler and Tycho Brahe. In fact, if Betelgeuse was to be centered over it, its diameter would reach beyond the orbit of Mars. The graphical depiction of the zodiac - with its 12 starry constellations - is used in the occult arts, astrology and fortune-telling. [citation needed], "And God said, 'Let there be lights in the heavens to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark seasons, days, years and festivals'the 4th day (of 7). . They appear high in the night sky, roughly along the same path traveled by the sun during the day. This Encyclopedia states, "Saturn is no less certainly represented by the star Kaiwan (called "Chiun" in the King James Translation), adored by the reprobate Israelites in the desert (Amos 5:26).". Which maketh Arcturus, Orion, and Pleiades, and the chambers of the south. (Job 9:8-9 KJV), Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion? Other Jewish astronomers of note are H. Goldschmidt (180266), who discovered 14 asteroids. As you know there, are 12 constellations in the zodiac and these four are the "four corners" of the 12 constellations: *Aquarius - human water carrier Pisces - fish Aries - ram *Taurus - bull Gemini - twins Cancer - crab *Leo - lion Virgo - virgin Libra - scales *Scorpio - scorpion (eagle for Babylonians) Sagittarius - archer The four solstices (the Tekufot of Nisan, Tammuz, Tishrei, and Tevet) are often mentioned as determining the seasons of the year and there are occasional references to the rising-place of the Sun. The Bible says that God assigns His own names to the stars (Psalms 147:4). In this case, there is one such link no matter what dates are proposed, because Benjamin was born on the day his mother died. The name Arcturus references the constellation Ursa Major (The Great Bear) which lies roughly 46 million light years away from earth. In the Hebrew reckoning of years, it is similar. Coma represents the woman with her son, the desired Son. Canst thou bring forth Mazzaroth [Hebrew: The Constellations of the Zodiac] in his season? From the point of view of the Magi . Eridanus representsthe river of fire, the fiery wrath poured on His enemies. Who has not looked up into the sky on a clear night and marveled at the vastness of the universe and wondered about the God who created all things? By His breath the heavens are cleared;His hand has pierced the fleeing serpent. (Kiyyun) -- a heathen god",, Articles with unsourced statements from November 2014, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2011, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2018, Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from the 1906 Jewish Encyclopedia, Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from the 1906 Jewish Encyclopedia without a Wikisource reference, Wikipedia articles incorporating text from the 1906 Jewish Encyclopedia, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. Or can you guide the Great Bear with its cubs? Job 38:31-32. What about Mazzaroth? Other tables were compiled by Jacob ben Makir, Emanuel ben Jacob, Jacob ben David ben Yom-ob Poel (1361), Solomon ben Elijah (from the Persian tables), and Abraham Zacuto of Salamanca (about 1515). Apart from this key theme, there is a lot of general information in this amazing ancient book. Of the three heavens where the birds fly; wherethe sun, moon, planets and stars exist (Genesis 1:17); and where God lives (II Corinthians 12:2) the most reasonable interpretation of the heaven as used in Revelation is where the sun, moon and the twelve stars are located. Their line (ecliptic) has gone out through all the earth, And their words to the end of the world. Psalms 91:13. That means it was Passover day (14 Spr) in the year also representing Passover (14 SPR). HCSB, ISV, DARBY, NASB, NET, AM, LEB. Note: In mynext Post I will presentevidence that Jesus was born on the Feast of Trumpets (Tishri 1). That causes many to avoid the entire subject, but the symbolism of these figures is so rich that it would be a tragedy not to learn of the beauty of their meaning, and the clarity of their symbolism. It embodies our means of adaptation, and represents the many facets of existence. Secondly, when the tribes received blessings under the hands of their father Jacob and many years later by Moses, many unmistakable references were made to zodiac constellations. Cygnus represents the swan, the sure return of the Redeemer. Many times it can easily be seen just before sunrise, hence its reference in astronomy as the "morning star." It has long been suggested that the constellations are God-given illustrations of gospel truths. There is something very profound going on here, and it is certainly seems worth investigating. Knoweth thou the ordinances of heaven? There are twelve major constellations from which are derived the months in a year. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge. The seven primary stars of Ursa Major are also called, in modern times . Cetus representsthe sea monster, the great enemy subdued and bound. Centaurus represents the dual-natured centaur, half god/half man, the despised sin-offering. Your email address will not be published. The Mazzaroth has such an awesome picture of Messiah, who has vanquished the serpent, that old devil and Satan for our redemption. It is wonderful that there is a reason for all these things we see. The idea of seeing the gospel message in the stars was popularized by the writings of E.W. How many mothers do you know who had four children in four years who then became distraught when they didn't have a fifth in the next year? Delphinus represents the dolphin springing out of the water, resurrection from death. It is interesting that God created the stars, planets and other objects in the universe as signs, among the other reasons stated. (Revelation 12:1-6 NIV), And there was war in heaven. . ), the day beginning that cycle. The brightest star in the constellation is called Spica, a Latin word meaning "the branch." There are three smaller constellations or decans to each major constellation, The three (divinity) for Virgo are: Coma: The word Coma means "the desired," and represents the desired one, the desire of all nations the Messiah. Tools. The Jewish historian Josephus says they were named by Seth, the third son of Adam, but perhaps even Adam had a part, since he named the animal world (Genesis 2:19). The above future fulfillment of Revelation 12, related to the vision of the huge red dragon (Satan) confronting a woman who is about to give birth (Israel), is further discussed by Mark Davidson in his book, Daniel RevisitedDiscovering the Four Mideast Signs Leading to the Antichrist (2013). That day only occurs once in 364 years, so that was a rare day indeed, but it was nothing special on the Hebrew calendar. It is mentioned in the Bible and in the works of the Greek author Homer. For example, the most studied star in astronomy, the sun, is mentioned at least 160 times in the King James Translation, with the moon referred to 51 times. Some Persian and Arabian traditions ascribe the invention of astronomy to Adam, Seth and Enoch. Jacob, later renamed Israel, was the father of the twelve sons who became the heads of the twelve tribes of Israel. The Pleiades is a small constellation of stars shown in this picture. Although stars continue to declare the glory of God (Psalm 19:1) and are useful in our calendar system (Genesis 1:14), the Bible does not tell us to search the stars for detailed messages. God's word does reference several objects, such as planets and constellations, found in what we today call space. ", The following Biblical names of constellations are mentioned and explained: = . It was also 1 Light (S.R. w) Noun - masculine plural. Libra represents the required price, Messiah the Redeemer. In Psalm 19 David said a message was proclaimed by the suns path through the constellations: Their sound has gone out to all the earth, and their words to the ends of the world (Psalm 19:4, NIV). The verse itself states, "But you who forsake the Lord, who forget My holy mountain, who prepare a table for Fortune, and who furnish the drink offering to Fate" (HBFV). 2005 by John P. Pratt. 24:7-9). The Book of Job is reported by some commentators to be the oldest book of the Bible, going back to approximately 2,150 BC 650 years before Moses wrote the Pentateuch. The sign given in verse 1 is that of a woman. Jacob ben Makir (who is known also as Profiat Tibbon) appears to have been professor of Astronomy at Montpellier, about 1300, and to have invented a quadrant to serve as a substitute for the astrolabe. It's seen from as far north as the North Pole and farther south. Satan twists truth and perverts it for his own purposes, which he has clearly done with the zodiac signs. During Biblical times, the only planets viewable from the earth were Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Chronology was a chief consideration in the study of astronomy among the Jews; sacred time was based upon the cycles of the Sun and the Moon. The Archer is like a one man cavalry (a centaur) attacking and overcoming the scorpion with bow and arrow. Esoterically, Saturn embodies Time itself. After I had finished this study and had determined the birth dates in the above table, and was in the process of writing this article, the idea occurred to me to read those names and blessings one more time. This band of stars lies in the plane of the solar system. Its rising is from one end of the heavens, And its circuit to the other end; And naught is hidden from its heat. This article will look at references to astronomical phenomena found in God's word. Meaning: "righteousness", as Jupiter is the embodiment of divine influx. The subjoined list gives (largely on Schiaparelli's authority) the best-warranted interpretations of biblical star names: Kimah, the Pleiades Kesil, Orion Ash, or Ayish, the Hyades Mezarim, the Bears ( Great and Little) Mazzaroth, Venus (Lucifer and Hesperus) Hadre theman -- "the chambers of the south" -- Canopus, the Southern Cross, and Centauri It is accuracy in minute details such as this which has led me to believe that Genesis is a revelation from God, rather than an attempt by Moses to record oral traditions. Jesus Movements, Where Was Herods Temple? God's word does reference several objects, such as planets and constellations, found in what we today call space. If so, He may have revealed them to early people. Both of Jacob's wives clearly qualify as understanding the importance of the blessings of having a large posterity. 12 major constellations references in the bible People also ask What does the Bible say about stars and constellations? Available free at these sites: The following images depict the symbols found in Revelation 12:1-6. That is exactly zero cycles on all of the sacred calendars, and it is perhaps the strongest parent-child calendrical link possible. These rest upon water, the water upon mountains, the mountains upon the wind, and the wind upon the storm, though this could easily be metaphoric. It is common in the ages of the patriarchs (and now matriarchs) to have their life be an exact number of cycles on one of the sacred calendars. This was just as God intended for at the creation of the heavenly bodies, God said: Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years (Genesis 1:14). King Antoninus asked the patriarch why the Sun rises in the east and sets in the west. It includes the study of stars, planets, galaxies and other objects that are beyond the atmosphere of earth. Here is a summary of the twelve constellations that for the Zodiac, the Mazzaroth. Likewise, stars in the Bible represent divine leadership. The day was also Easter on both the Hebrew and Enoch calendars, as was Joseph's proposed birth date. The same will be true of the twelve sons of Jacob. The original zodiac was given by God to man as a means to display the Gospel story to man before the written word came through Moses. There is, in addition, a future fulfillment of this vision, in the end times. Of special interest are the twelve zodiac constellations. Your arrows are sharp In the heart of the Sovereigns enemies Peoples fall under You. Kuehls Temple, Where Was Herods Temple? In Revelation 12 the devil is called both a serpent and a dragon (Rev. The vision of Revelation 12 with Virgo giving birth also has a Near/Far fulfillment, which is common in biblical prophecy. She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth. The clearest references include: Aside from the Earth, only two planets are named in the Hebrew Bible: The information preserved in the Talmud does not emanate from one homogeneous system, as they are the accumulations of at least four centuries, and are traceable to various authors in the Jerusalem and Babylonian Talmuds, among whom some were inclined to mysticism. Bible say about stars and 12 major constellations references in the bible, found in what we today call space Biblical times, the Great subdued. Names of constellations are God-given illustrations of gospel truths and there was war in heaven the Greek Homer... Tribes of Israel bow and arrow something very profound going on here, and Pleiades or. By His breath the heavens are cleared ; His hand has pierced the fleeing.... That there is a summary of the 12 major constellations references in the bible calendars, as was Joseph's birth! Found in Revelation 12:1-6 NIV ), and it is wonderful that is. 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