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Read more about Governor Shapiros executive order and how other states are following the Governors lead to eliminate barriers to employment below. Throughout Trumps term, Shapiro added his name to dozens of joint lawsuits with other Democratic attorneys general. She said her overarching goal is to uphold Pennsylvanias environmental rights amendment and make sure people have access to clean air and water, [and a] safe environment.. The free Keystone Crossroads newsletter delivers the most important Pennsylvania stories to your inbox every week. Some high-profile Democrats, like Lt. Gov. Tom Wolf beat out three other high-profile contenders for the Democratic nod. National Review: Easing College-Degree Requirements Should Be a No-Brainer for Conservatives, In his first move as governor of Pennsylvania, Democrat Josh Shapiro signed an executive order abolishing four-year-degree requirements for the vast majority of state government jobs. Susquehanna is known for its secrecy, for an early bet on TikTok that paid enormous dividends, and for its founders ability to pay unusually low federal income tax rates. As a young state representative, hehelped broker a power-sharing agreement that maintained Democrats influence in Harrisburg during a period of closely divided House control. College can be a very good thing. McNesby is the longtime president of Philadelphias Fraternal Order of Police, and will serve on the transitions public safety committee with a focus on law enforcement policy. When asked about his White House aspirations, Shapiro said he was flattered but not interested. Groen, a retired attorney, is serving on the transition teams economic development advisory committee and will focus on business policy. Hes viewed as someone driven less by ideology than by a desire for unanimity. But the reality of the matter is that Fetterman is unwell and was hospitalized for two days in early February after he felt lightheaded and, shortly thereafter, checked into Walter Reed Army Medical Center to be treated for depression where he has remained incommunicado for the last two weeks with his office saying that he remains on a path to recovery, without providing any further details. In fact, analysts said, large donors are often the most motivated to make their candidates goals succeed. On Feb. 16 at the Mosaic Community Church in West Philadelphia, the longtime Montgomery County resident announced that he would not sign any execution warrants during his term. foundations and readers like you Pennsylvania deserves answers. Later in the afternoon on his first full day as governor, Shapiro visited the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency. Hoeffel later told The Philadelphia Inquirer that you dont want to turn your back on [Shapiro], because loyalty is not his strong suit. Reached for comment about the impending formal start to Shapiros gubernatorial campaign, the former U.S. rep had little to add. race, Democrat Josh Shapiro banks on abortion rights as a winning issue. Since the Governor signed an executive order removing four-year college degree requirements for most state government jobs, Georgias state senate and the state of Alaska have followed suit. The morning after his inauguration, Shapiro signed an executive order eliminating a requirement that applicants for most state government jobs have a four-year college degree, calling it an arbitrary requirement. The move was broadly heralded by Democrats and Republicans, as well as conservative publications National Review and Reason. Over the last 13 months of this campaign, I spent a lot of time criss-crossing the Commonwealth and Ive done a whole lot of Spotlight PA is different. On Monday, Governor Josh Shapiro sat down with NBC News for an interview during which he sought to allay concerns over Fettermans deteriorating health and dismissed the possibility of a special election to allow Pennsylvanians to rectify their mistake in sending a mentally incapacitated man to Washington D.C. as their representative for the next six years. But that wasnt the case, he said. His fellow party members generally consider him to be relatively moderate though he also helmed the GOP during Donald Trumps tenure and heartily embraced the former president as party standard-bearer. But his bid remains unusual. hopefuls flock to Palm Beach for Club for Growth retreat, Eyes on 2024: A page from DeSantis book, California poll: Homelessness is most urgent issue in the state. Im talking about moderation in the sense of making sure that everyone gets a fair shot and then everyone gets to participate.. Josh WHYY thanks our sponsors become a WHYY sponsor, focused their 2022 efforts on the U.S. Senate, the release of a landmark grand jury report, Trumps family border separation policy, election-time changes to post office operations, 48 criminal charges against Energy Transfer, often expressing concerns about public safety, gave Shapiro more control over prosecuting, ultimately distanced himself from the bill, one of the lead attorneys who defended Donald Trump. Shapiros lofty political ambitions have been well-known and discussed throughout his nearly two decades in Pennsylvania politics. Josh Shapiro, a religious Jew who uses his faith as part of his political identity, is rejecting that principle. Shapiro didnt get any money from the group in this years gubernatorial election. Higher ed leaders are listening. Doug Mastriano spent 30 years in the U.S. Army serving his country in Iraq and Afghanistan. Editor in Chief. An FOP endorsement was once a political necessity for Philly politicians, as well as candidates running statewide. But hes kept busy. Explaining graupel: A more uncommon type of wintry precipitation, shooting rampage in the Tree of Life synagogue, Josh Shapiro's path to the governor's mansion, Pa. speaker's bipartisan group begins work on House rules, READ: Josh Shapiro's inauguration address. Theyve had to fight for it. In an interview with NBC News Monday, Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro says he expects Senator John Fetterman to come back to the Senate and to serve for a good long while.. But hes better known in Pennsylvania politics as a former leader of the state Republican Party. Then Shapiro walked to the nearest desk and asked the person their name and what their job was. We dont believe vital investigative and public-service journalism should be hidden behind a paywall or only for those who can afford a subscription fee. Public feuds were common. Schmidt is well respected in political circles as someone who is battle-tested from defending the citys election integrity against attacks by former President Donald Trump. Shapiro who took the oath of office on Tuesday with Lt. Gov. But there are some issues on which Shapiro is resolute about his commitment to Democratic values, such as reproductive and LGBTQ rights. Effective immediately, 92% of state government jobs about 65,000 positions do not require a four-year college degree, he announced on Twitter. We love hearing from our readers and invite you to join us for feedback and great conversation. A Georgia Senate committee is advancing a bill that would instruct an agency to examine qualifications for state government jobs and not require a college degree unless truly necessary. New York Times: Opinion: Something Very Important for Democrats Just Happened in Pennsylvania. Alejandro A. Alvarez / Philadelphia Inquirer, Abolitionist Law Center Executive Director Robert Saleem Holbrook, Cheyney University Chief Diversity Officer Pamela Keye, Susquehanna International Co-Founder Joel Greenberg, Johns Hopkins Medicine professor Ravi Gupta, Former Pa. Republican Party head Val DiGiorgio, Conservation Voters of Pa. political director Katie Blume, Former Pa. Democratic Party head Marcel Groen, protested Shapiros appearance at a conference, pay unusually low federal income tax rates, has said he considers the governor-elect a friend, Unequal election policies disenfranchised Pennsylvania voters in 2022, by Kate Huangpu of Spotlight PA and Carter Walker of Votebeat, How anxiety came to dominate the big business of medical marijuana cards in Pennsylvania, Thousands of Pa. homeowners feel stuck in a high-stakes game of telephone with their homes, vital utilities on the line, What the public can and cant know about Four Diamonds, beneficiary of Penn State THONs fundraising, Grudges, tribalism, and infighting rife in Pennsylvania borough that hired the cop who killed Tamir Rice, by Min Xian of Spotlight PA State College, A complete guide and amendment tracker for proposed changes to Pennsylvanias Constitution, Who is on Pa. Gov.-elect Josh Shapiros transition team? HARRISBURG Newly minted Pennsylvania Gov. HARRISBURG For nearly two months, a team of advisors has been working to ensure Democratic Gov.-elect Josh Shapiro has a smooth transition from attorney general to head of the nations fifth-most populous state. For instance, Yass and his co-founders have given millions of dollars to Philadelphia Democratic state Sen. Anthony Williams political runs. I believe Josh has done a very good job as AG, Hoeffel said in a text message. Progressive power is really rising, Rosso said. Its what hes done his entire career. McNesby declined to comment on his work with the transition team. Shapiro, the chair of the commissioners, was too focused on consensus. Mark Mendlovitz (@MendlovitzMark) March 1, 2023. Meanwhile, Fettermans ongoing absence isnt going unnoticed by Twitter users. As an independent and elected attorney general, Shapiro is sworn to be a law enforcement officer first and politician second. Ive gotten a lot of phone calls from people who were very disappointed that they didnt make the final cut, Ceisler said. He said there will be time for partisan differences over issues such as guns and abortion, but he said he believes there is genuine interest from the governor and Republicans in the legislature to work together. Pennsylvanians can indeed find light in the midst of darkness and drown out the voices of hate and bigotry, he said. Castor is better known as one of the lead attorneys who defended Donald Trump during his second impeachment trial. Titles are easy and plentiful in politics to give away.. Shapiro became the third Jewish governor and the first governor since 1966 to belong to the same political party as his predecessor. Jared Polis. Josh Shapiro and Wes Moore Are Ready To Step Up The inaugurations in Pennsylvania and Maryland this month introduced Democrats to their future. Josh Shapiro fills executive staff with loyal allies, political veterans Who has Pa. Gov. You could be getting the best stories in your inbox twice a day. Well, employers increasingly require that applicants for good jobs possess a degree, even when the degrees arent relevant to the job, and employers say theyre skeptical that college grads are even prepared for work. As such, we call upon Senator Fetterman to appear on camera to show us he is alive and well, and if he is unable to do so, we call upon our elected Representatives in Washington, Senator Casey and Congressman Reschenthaler, to intervene immediately, wrote Sean Logue, the county partys chairman on Facebook. Here are some key policies likely to come up. For years, he operated in the same Montgomery County political circles as Shapiro and has said he considers the governor-elect a friend. Priorities for Pennsylvania Democrats in the 2010s and 2020s have been advocacy for But I also believe that this particular credential has become too divisive an emblem in our culture wars, too bold a fault line. Hes going to get the help that he needs and do a great job for the people of Pennsylvania as their senator for a long time, Shapiro said in a previous interview with the Philadelphia Inquirer, adding that he hadnt faced pressure from establishment Democrats to compel Fetterman to resign. Whether he can translate that outreach into policy and political capital remains to be seen. Truth has never been more critical! Josh Shapiro, a Democrat, signed his first executive order, removing a four-year degree requirement for tens of thousands of state State Rep. Aaron Bernstine, a Republican from a district north of Pittsburgh, sent the governor a text message congratulating him on a good first week in office that put Pennsylvanians first on issues that people from all political sides agree with.. The uncertainty there could hinder the governors ability to pass legislation. Shapiros first big political job came in the late 90s, when he became chief of staff the youngest chief of staff on Capitol Hill to then-U.S. Rep. Joe Hoeffel, a Democrat. Now join thousands of your friends and neighbors in supporting it. Shapiro is casting a wider net than [outgoing Democratic Governor Tom] Wolf, Nicholas said. We had the ability to show him and we had the ability to move politicians., But he gives Shapiro a lot of credit. We will no longer be beholden to them but we need your help. Blume works as the political director for Conservation Voters of PA, a group that runs the commonwealths biggest environmentally-focused political action committee. The Democratic Partys endorsed candidate for governor of Pennsylvania, state Attorney General Josh Shapiro, headed into 2022 with $13.4 million in his campaign account. Catturd (@catturd2) February 28, 2023, The Democrats would literally keep John Fetterman in a freezer for the next 4 years if it helps them keep control of the Senate They are tuly the party of pure evil, Vince Langman (@LangmanVince) February 28, 2023. Spotlight PA is funded by foundations and readers like you who are committed to accountability journalism that gets results. There is somebody sitting on that transition committee who is going to go back to a regular job, and then two years later something will happen, and then that person will be engaged, Ceisler said. who are committed to accountability journalism that gets results. But in recent years, the role of the union which represents 14,000 active and retired police officers has become more fraught. Others have been turned off by what they view as Shapiros hard-edged political ambition. Josh Shapiro and the Democrats, if they want to live by their own standards, are going to have to do something about the problematic organization they belong to and represent on the ballot. 01:40 PM, Feb 28, 2023. Shaprio, Pennsylvanias attorney general, will defeat Republican Doug Mastriano, CNN has projected, in the open-seat race to succeed term-limited Democratic Tom Wolfs term ends in January 2023. His action rightly recognized that such a degree is no guarantee of competence, no exclusive proof of intelligence and often less relevant than work and life experiences that have nothing to do with lecture halls. On Point is produced by WBUR for NPR. This article and all of our journalism are available to you at no cost thanks to our supporters. Josh Shapiros desk during his first month in office. These early overtures by the 49-year-old governor signal an unusual posture he is staking out as he takes the helm of a state roiled in recent years by baseless election conspiracy theories and sharp partisan fighting. Thats not what Im talking about, Groen said. Castor says he doesnt plan to vote for Shapiro for governor No, Im a Republican but hes still a fan. Gov. Unlike the crowded 2022 field for U.S. Senate and for the Republican nomination for governor Shapiro is in a lane by himself. On his first full day in office, Gov. Wes Moore He is the face of entitlement. In 2005, Shapiro was elected to the state legislature, becoming the first Democrat to hold the seat since 1985, when Hoeffel himself had left it. No other Democrat with political experience or the ability to put together a formidable campaign has expressed plans to challenge him. Most notably, Shapiros team on Jan. 5 announced the next Secretary of State will be Al Schmidt, a former Philadelphia city commissioner. Top donors who received posts include Thomas Hagen, a former Pa. Secretary of Commerce who donated $750,000 and was appointed to the Transition Leadership Board; Leslie Anne Miller, former General Counsel under former Gov. If you think the Democrat party cares about anything other than personal power look at what they did to John Fetterman. In a statement this year explaining the Philly FOPs decision to back the attorney general over his GOP opponent for governor, McNesby said of Shapiro, Every time we pick up the phone, hes there to help us with whatever we need to do as far as law enforcement., He added, hell support whoever is out for police.. Some former Republican officials in the state openly rejected Mastriano and endorsed Shapiro. It was the first time in history Democrats held a majority in Montco government. One of those people is Holbrook. But there are also prison abolitionists, public education activists, patient advocates, and progressive labor organizers. One of them is Bruce Castor, who served as Montgomery County Commissioner alongside Shapiro for four years. Hell make health care recommendations in a group that includes representatives from major health systems, health care unions, and the insurance industry. Pennsylvania state Rep. Joanna McClinton (D) was set to become the first woman to lead the state House after Democrats claimed control. Our goal in this transition committee is to hold him accountable to the criminal justice platform that he put out, that we helped contribute to, and help him in implementing it, Holbrook said. Keystone State. Christopher Baxter Austin Davis was sworn in earlier in the day. Shapiro said if she sent it to him, he would frame it in the governors office. She is looking for all kinds of diversity, she said, including in the kinds of students people expect to see at a Pennsylvania university. On a board with Shapiro and another Democrat, Castor might have expected even less influence. And thats all Im focused on.. But Jeff Eggleston, the rural caucus chair for the Pennsylvania Democrats, said Shapiros win was not just a reflection of a bad opponent though it was undeniably a significant factor in his double-digit victory but a concerted effort by Shapiros campaign to reach voters in areas Democrats rarely go. Shapiros move follows similar actions taken by Republicans, like former Maryland governor Larry Hogan, hinting at a burgeoning, bipartisan push to temper the role of college degrees in American life. He resigned from his chairmanship of the state party amid accusations that hed ignored sexual harassment allegations. Warm start to March before the next wintry mess on Friday! If some enterprising Democrat out there wants to run, you know, give me a call, Nicholas said, jokingly. WebJosh Shapiro's Issue Positions (Political Courage Test) Office: Elected to Governor (PA), Democratic Attorney General (PA), Democratic Track This Politician Key Official Position: Candidate addressed this issue directly by taking the Political Courage Test. Cheyney is also a public university, and along with the rest of Pennsylvanias state system of higher education or PASSHE it depends on state money to operate and offer students relatively affordable tuition. That united front is in play once again as Pennsylvanias entire Democratic establishment coalesces around Shapiro which is highly unusual. Senate GOP leaders confirmed he was on personal leave.. Pennsylvania Gov. Hes been watching Shapiro lay this groundwork since they were county commissioners. In the last truly open gubernatorial election, the 2010 Democratic field had four major primary candidates. WebJosh David Shapiro: his birthday, what he did before fame, his family life, fun trivia facts, popularity rankings, and more. Former Gov. Greenberg, who made billions in his trading career, retired from Susquehanna in 2016, but before that, he was involved in Yasss political giving along with their third co-founder, Arthur Dantchik. That assumption is reinforced by the ballooning of credentialism often called degree inflation in the American workforce. Perhaps the most significant action of his career came in 2018, during his time as attorney general, when he presided over the release of a landmark grand jury report on decades of sexual abuse of children in Catholic dioceses across Pennsylvania. Recent years, the 2010 Democratic field had four major primary candidates in. Going unnoticed by Twitter users comment on his first full day in office Mastriano... 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