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In 2002, Bolivian politician Pedro Gallo hires American James Carville's political consulting firm, Greenberg Carville Shrum, to help him win the 2002 Bolivian presidential election. During a focus group for the ad in which he catches and holds up several people, its clear the ad does not resonate with anybody. Later Castillo is heard instructing interest rates to be raised to 15%. A knock on the door reveals Eddie, saddened and angry, who tells her about the IMF plan. Maybe, kinda. Does he drink too much? Castillo had been coached by Jane that if he senses any emotion or tears, to look directly into the camera. It already has. Honestly, I didnt know what to expect, on a number of levels. [2/4], Barbara Vancheri, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, would be perfect humanist, socialist, anti-capitalist propaganda except its a bit disjointed Abhorrent at least 61 obscenities rear female nudity when woman on bus moons other bus, crass, grimy and not sure of its own message burdens itself with foul language and sexual allusions, spoiling some pretty great performances from Sandra Bullock and Billy Bob Thornton. Theres no redemption to be found with the people who are ruining liveswho have no belief in politicians or voters; people who have basically given up on humanity and play with public policy like a kid with a loaded gun. I have to rate it Offensive, due to its foul language, several blasphemies, and Sandra Bullocks bare hiny. . And even hes not even that close. An young actress expresses concern with her part in the ad, which requires her to be caught by Castillo. Screenwriter Peter Straughans script originally featured a male protagonist, but Bullock makes the role her own, from vomiting into a wastepaper basket and mooning the opposition to shrewdly choreographing an on-air attack of tears for her candidate. Reproduction of material from any Salon pages without written permission is strictly prohibited. Cut back to the interview that opened the film. That is now the title of the Bullock movie directed by indie-film veteran David Gordon Green and written by Peter Straughan (Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy), which is also set during a Bolivian presidential campaign and stars Billy Bob Thornton, Anthony Mackie, Scoot McNairy, Ann Dowd and Zoe Kazan as Bullocks rivals or colleagues in the Machiavellian business of reinventing candidates and reshaping public opinion. He tells a story about a campaign run by Adlai Stevenson in which Stevenson is told everything thinking person would vote for him, to which Stevenson replies that is not enough. One woman says he has a weird smile. Politics is a dirty business, but Our Brand Is Crisis doesn't stick its hands into the muck sufficiently to be as entertaining or stinging as it could be. What the hell was James Carville and Stan Greenbergs consulting firm with its close ties to Bill and Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party leadership class doing in one of South Americas smallest and poorest nations? Our Brand is Crisis review: While the film is heart-warmingly centered on Bullock, she is at her best neurotic, desperate, redeemable self. She doesnt think the man should change to fit the narrative but instead the narrative should change to fit the man. For those who want more detail, I have written a paragraph below containing spoilers. Jane next starts a rumor that Rivera is a Nazi, based on no real facts, but a fuzzy picture showing him with Nazi propaganda. Let me know how that goes. Jane then joins the mass of people who are walking toward the city. Thats why Hollywood had to invent a character with such powers: the knowing, salty political consultant. Castillo tells her she needs professional help for wanting to do anything to win. There is something deeply disturbing about American political strategists helping an unpopular politician return back to presidency in a country as different as Bolivia. Jane Bodine (Sandra Bullock) is a brilliant strategist, pulse reader and marketing mind. Jane insists to the campaign team that this was set up by Candy. A man in a mask jumps the barrier and smashes an egg on Castillos forehead. Kristen Bell to Befriend an Unorthodox Rabbi. Available from various digital retailers including Amazon Video, iTunes, Google Play, Apple, Vudu and others. The opposition's top political consultant is her nemesis, fellow American Pat Candy. He does exactly that, to Janes delight, when explaining hes not close to his son, but he wishes he was, with tears in his eyes. This movie offers us the tale of the fall and redemption of an unscrupulous white lady -- who we know cannot really be unscrupulous since shes Sandra Bullock. The problem is that they do such a good job selling this Jane that they do exactly what theyre supposed to do: They make you curious about her. Some said it was insightful. : What The Hell Happened? Back on the bus, Castillo explain to Eddie that an effective leader is a father to the people, and that sometimes a father must be strict. The campaign believes Castillo should apologize as soon as possible but Jane disagrees. She tells him shes going home tomorrow. He suggests maybe later they can go out. "[25] On Metacritic, the film has a weighted average score of 53 out of 100, based on 35 critics, indicating "mixed or average reviews". The movie opens with a title sequence regarding the main character Jane Bodine (Sandra Bullock) and her rise and fall from hotshot political strategist/image . *Sorry, there was a problem signing you up. Glenn Kenny was the chief film critic of Premiere magazine for almost half of its existence. She cares about winning, and the movie reinforces the narrative that politics is just a game. Answer, Should Christians seek political power or should we only focus on evangelism? The train begins to leave and Candy is furious. Thats why in a time of ever-greater political chaos, the character rings so false. She tells Castillo and the campaign that this is no longer an election, it is a crisis. Her words are intercut with footage of newspaper headlines and, oddly, shots of Bullocks hands molding clay at a pottery wheel. The villagers are angrily blocking the bus, and Castillo, against the wishes of Jane, gets off to talk with them. Election day. Some reviews said it was ambiguous. Carvilles troops were dispatched to La Paz in 02 to consolidate the great victory of liberalism and democracy as they and their sponsors and benefactors understand those things and to resist the rising tide of Latin American leftism represented in Bolivia by the indigenous political leader Evo Morales, Gonis leading opponent. [11] More casting was also announced, which included Reynaldo Pacheco, Dominic Flores, Louis Arcella, and Octavio Gmez. The emotional investment Green wants to make in Jane feels misplaced, especially since he also wants to celebrate moments when she behaves abhorrently. During the final debate, Bodine cites a quote in a conversation with Candy (knowing that he'll give it to rival candidate Rivera for his speech) saying that "a great man" said it. That remains a question shrouded in mystery, but we could probably come up with some decent guesses. ***SPOILER*** Castillo wins the election, and immediately breaks all his promises and turns out to be a tyrant. The protest is growing in the city. Jane wants to overtake it. A timeline of the (alleged) drama involving Olivia Wilde, Harry Styles, and Florence Pugh. When shes recruited for a chance to face off in Bolivia against her longtime and similarly depraved rival, Pat Candyportrayed convincingly enough as a stock Billy Bob Thornton character by Billy Bob Thorntonshe signs up. When the gunfire stops, the camera moves in on a boy sitting on the steps of a building, his head partly covered by his coat as if hes grabbing a nap. Reluctantly enlisted to help elect the unlikable bully Castillo (Joaquim de Almeida), Jane gets the bit between her teeth when she discovers that her arch-rival, Pat Candy (Billy Bob Thornton), is running the oppositions campaign. Power? The film was screened in the Special Presentations section of the 2015 Toronto International Film Festival. There are very occasional crude sexual references. It received mixed reviews, despite Bullock's performance being largely praised, and was a box office disappointment. It is a record turnout and at days end, the results are: Castillo 23.5%, Rivera 22.8%, Volasco 21.9%. [4] It was theatrically released by Warner Bros. on October 30, 2015. There is very little violence. Whats ultimately most frustrating is the evidence that the makers of this movie were fully capable of creating something as smart and ruthless as its lead character. Goni fled the country five days later, and now lives in exile in the U.S., which has refused to extradite him to Bolivia to face trial for extrajudicial killings and other crimes against humanity. His name is too long with her so she just calls him Eddie. Its yoked to an impoverished Bolivian teenager who believesdespite the angry effusions of his brother and friends in their hillside slumthat Castillo is sincere in trying to bring about economic equality. Eventually Eddie sees her and they make eye contact. But when youre reviewing a political drama, you have to be careful to pay close attention. There's only one wrong in this, only one, and that is losing!". His loyalty comes mostly from the fact that Castillo, who was president at the time, took a young Eduardo on his arm during a rally in his town. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. PLEASE share your observations and insights to be posted here. She will work on the campaign of anybody, provided the money is right. She doesnt believe hell catch her and he expresses disbelief. I say, beat Candy because Jane doesnt really care that much about Castillo or Bolivia. David Gordon Green keeps the perspectives shifting, getting lots of good angles on this three-ring circus. Rivera is on, holding two babies during a campaign stop, confessing how hes doubly lucky, and promises to run a positive campaign. All of them, except Bodine, have already taken jobs as political consultants in other countries. That kind of consumer response is pretty remarkable, and it also says something about each brand's crisis management strategies. Since Im reviewing this film for its DVD release, Ive already taken into consideration the opinions of other reviewers. [3] The film opened on October 30, 2015, alongside Burnt and Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse. Verdict. We just want to dive into a pool without having to hold onto our bottoms. As president in the mid-90s, he had pursued a controversial two-level strategy, extending constitutional rights and policy reforms aimed at Bolivias large indigenous population while also embarking on a widespread campaign of privatization that sold off state-owned industries and natural resources to foreign capital. ts=String.fromCharCode(60); The boys (all adult age) are living alone because their parents have both died. It is revealed that she retired after violating election laws. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Though not without its entertaining momentsthe cast, led by Sandra Bullock, is energetic, sharp and gets a fair number of juicy bits to rock out with. Director David Gordon Green Writers Rachel Boynton (suggested by the documentary) Peter Straughan (screenplay) Stars Sandra Bullock Nevertheless, theres not much reason for you to take my word over theirs. Ben meets her in the hallway and she immediately says hes not a winner, and he cannot win. Rivera then repeats the quote Jane told Candy. Bush strategist Lee Atwater, who by his own reported deathbed admission was an unholy monster, and to this day keeps afloat the brand of George W. Bush strategist Karl Rove. They then shoot the head of the Rivera doll Candy had left, and it breaks his window. She then asks who knows English and only a handful of people raise their hands, so LeBlanc must translate. A llama is shown getting hit by a car. Castillo and the campaign team are on the outdoor set of a commercial for the Senator. She is then seen in the middle of the protest, and sees Eddie. All this makes for mid-grade entertainment value, at best. All rights reserved. Castillo immediately punches the man. Since The War Room, the omnipotent, omniscient celebrity political consultant has been portrayed again and again. 2/4[], Our Brand Is Crisis fun until it gets serious For too long, the stakes play second fiddle to the strategists and even the candidates remain too elusive to make the audience care as much as it should. On a bus trip to a mountainous countryside, protesters start throwing rocks at the bus. From there, Jane uses every trick at her disposal to try and beat Candy. It also sets up a Hollywood ending that all but wrecks the movie. It begins poorly, with an odd montage intercut to stagey interview footage in which Bullocks character, Calamity Jane Bodine, formulates an apologia for we-dont-quite-know-what. Thankfully, were usually too wrapped up in Bullocks great performance to mind the films cognitive dissonance. Jane is seen having a moment of introspection. Jane expresses to Ben that she still gets nauseous whenever she sees Castillo. While Rivera is still speaking aboard a train, Jane poses as a worker for the Rivera campaign and tells the conductor the speech is over. The 2005 Our Brand Is Crisis was the second documentary about Carvilles political work, following 1993s The War Room, in addition to Carvilles dramatic acting rsumand cable news career. Jane is goaded by patronizing men into proving herself in ways shes not proud of. The big reason it works, though, is that it takes its premise from Rachel Boyntons phenomenal (but little-known) 2005 documentary of the same name. Candy goes on to tell Jane, If you fight with monsters too long, you become a monster. Jane later says that shell kill herself if she loses to Candy again (though this appears to be hyperbole) She has lost every election against him. Jane wakes up in her hotel room. Meanwhile, the senior advisors (Ben, Nell and others) talk about Jane and Candy, how they had sex previously, and how she spread a rumor during a campaign that Candys candidates daughter was on drugs. Its cute for a while. Jane highlights something in the book. When Bodine realizes that she brought a liar into office, she has the car stopped and leaves to join Eduardo. She looks across the large foyer to see Candy sitting outside his room. Jane says that Pat Candy is behind the fliers. She reveals she has had mental issues before and suffered from depression. What part should morality play in politics? He is a crook. When they get home, his brothers ridicule Eddie for bringing Yankees and trusting them, and for that matter, trusting Castillo. Covering Rammsteins Du Hast in Berlin. He denies being a member of the cult. After a traumatizing career as a political campaign consultant, Bodine has retired to the snowy mountains, where she doesnt smoke and makes bowls. Thats the problem with focusing a story on the diabolical strategist, the one mythical figure in this godforsaken political system whos got it all figured out. Comedy Drama A battle-hardened American political consultant is sent to help re-elect a controversial president in Bolivia, where she must compete with a long-term rival working for another candidate. She may get some help in getting into the mindset of that indigenous poor through a campaign volunteer named Eddie, a Castillo loyalist since he was a young boy much to the chagrin of his friends. Beyond needing to adjust to her relocation to La Paz however temporary, Jane knows that she has to transform the thinking of the populace to making them want Castillo as their leader as opposed to changing Castillo to something he inherently is not. Our Brand is Crisis was one of these pleasant surprises. for language including some sexual references. [8] On September 24, Ann Dowd joined the film. As one of his first actions, he invites the IMF into Bolivia, thereby breaking his promise. Jane meets with Castillo who says shes a liability. A lethally effective charm delivery system, Sandra Bullock doesn't need to do much to win you over. Jane is elated and tells the communication team to talk to the press and inform them Rivera just used a quote from Joseph Goebbels, the head Nazi propaganda minister. David Gordon Greens uneven Wag the Dog-style satirical political romp takes both its title and theme from Rachel Boyntons 2005 documentary about the role played by the gun-for-hire American consultants in the 2002 Bolivian elections. if (window.self != {nf=''} else {nf='NF/'}; The website's critical consensus reads, "Our Brand Is Crisis offers sporadic amusement and benefits from a talented cast, but ultimately lacks enough of a bite to add much of interest to the political satire genre. Although the movie has flashes where everything comes together and we can revel in dark victories, more often than not, star Sandra Bullock is left to carry the crushing emotional and thematic weight of a confused picture that acknowledges that politics is a cheap joke, and then expects us all to laugh. But it seems as though screenwriter Peter Straughan and director David Gordon Green realized near the end that theyd written a feature-length film celebrating consultants ability to install a lying, oligarchic, IMF-beholden stooge to a South American presidency, and decided they ought to wrap things up more palatably. Bodine ( Sandra Bullock doesn & # x27 ; t need to do much to win Special Presentations section the. Glenn Kenny was the chief film critic of Premiere magazine for almost half of its.. Reynaldo Pacheco, Dominic Flores, Louis Arcella, and the campaign team are on the outdoor of. Published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed herself in ways shes not proud.... She behaves abhorrently in other countries a lethally effective charm delivery system, Sandra Bullock doesn & # ;..., beat Candy because Jane doesnt really care that much about Castillo or Bolivia disposal to try and Candy... ( all adult age ) are living alone because their parents have both died toward city... 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