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In February 2015 he had appendicitis, which was perforated, and only treated by the hospital with massive doses antibiotics. Just stopped progressing. Multiple Sclerosis, MS, Pain, Colds, Headaches, Asthma: I couldn't be more delighted in the Rife 101 and the investment I made for my health! We suggest enabling javascipt. I use the Rife 101 once in the morning and once at night on the Bladder Program and that urgency goes away. It's fairly expensive. 2005-2023 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. My husband went thru hell 6 weeks of chemo & 7 weeks of radiation on the lung7 more weeks of radiation on the throatand in between all this he did his cancer treatment on the Rife 101 machine. After an initial decrease in energy, attributed to "die off," her energy and emotional outlook Improved greatly. ANIMAL TESTIMONIAL - Race Horse Sore Foot, Infection and more: I've use the Rife 101 extensively on my race horseshere's just one example: One horse had a sore foot with a severe infection in the lower leg. His doctors were puzzled and astounded (because by all means he should have already been dead) and told him that whatever he was doing to keep it up. - S. Pinder, Australia 6-18-14, Try the auto program for hay fever and allergies. The Tic woke me up at 5 in the morning. They often sell for thousands of dollars on the internet. He has poor vision, some overweight and high blood pressure problem. 6 months ago I was experiencing abdominal pain, went to doctor who requested a sonogram that showed a 4-5 mm polyp in the neck of the gall bladder. Blessings, Deb K. (10-10-09). Update 8/23/17: Apparently the Rife 101 worked, at least short-time. Your Hymbas Rife Practitioner gets 10 out of 10!!! My dear wife was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer (more about that in a moment). An impulse of the same frequency is then used to kill or disable diseased cells. I feel sure that the machine is working for me. L. Israel, FL 6-21-19), I have very severe Lyme Disease. The white of the eye looked like fresh ground hamburger. Suddenly the open wounds were closing up. She just tells him "I changed my diet". Those bites are wicked and if it will help someone else that would be great. I use this nightly to help treat my cancer. This device, invented nearly a century ago, emits low-energy electromagnetic waves. - T. Rappaport, FL 11-10-17. Within an hour Plasma treatment, his problem of muscle stiffness is better and back pain is almost gone. I would wake up tired and groggy even after sleeping 12 hours. He's much more mobile and doing more for himself. US. I am running the custom EYE HEALTH program that you sent. 2004-2023 Healthline Media UK Ltd, Brighton, UK, a Red Ventures Company. Proponents claim that the device can cure cancer and other conditions, such as HIV. It's my life saver. He says that it's probably the smartest decision he has ever made in his life. Wow! - D & J, FL (2/12/16). The lesions (possibly Kaposi's Sarcoma?) - Art, CO. Colon, Constipation, Headaches, General Health: I bought a Rife 101 Energy System from Tina about two years ago. This Rife machine is a miracle - every body should have one. And a lot of people just don't want to hear it; many don't know about it; too many programmed to "listen to your doctor, blah, blah" (just lost a lifetime friend - lung cancer). God Bless!! Every once in a while Duchess does have an accident, but much less than before. My husband uses it for the ringing in his ears. He stopped complaining about his bloating and began to eat again. Manufacturers have also sold these devices under a wide variety of brand names over the years. Of course, since computer technology has advanced, the Rife 101 is bound to be superior to the unit I owned a couple of decades ago. Its found inside the center of an apricot stone. They used customer testimonials and anecdotal evidence to support claims about the machine. - S. Rausch, WI (7/30/15). The FDA has not approved the Rife machine for any use. He said he hadn't had any feeling whatsoever in that hand for years!! At that point the lymph and bone tumors had shrunk and the doctors were amazed, although her liver tumor was larger. I am so happy about getting my Rife Machine, I use it for swelling /edema and I love it. Nerve Disorders, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS - Lou Gehrig's Disease): I was developing nerve disorders leading me to believe I was succumbing to ALS. A man raised very expensive and fancy goldfish. The first two days that I used my Rife 101 my condition improved. He usually does only a session a day (tendonitis), but when his schedule is more open he will do several sessions (inflammation, tendinitis, detox). I had developed fatigue and some days couldn't get out of bed. - Eilene T., PA (2/17/15). The last 12 years his attention has shifted to cancer research. I am so happy to have the machine. My son was lifting weights at the gym and strained his shoulder. His kidney function is coming back too, which is totally unexpected from 25 up to 40 (50 is normal) and the doctor said, "Whatever you're doing, keep doing it! So, at this time, I've been using the Rife 101 for about 4 years, and my blood pressure is much lower. He starts with the Detox program & Cancer-all program in the morning then Prostate program & Cancer-all program at night. As for me, I see a holistic doctor to help with various issues and he uses muscle testing. Contact. That night and the next day she felt more fatigued, but all other symptoms had improved. That made a huge difference. Thank you a gazillion times over! 84 minerals from the sea, matching your body's profile to energize your life! The gum above that tooth has been sensitive ever since, so probably got infected during the repair. - JR #8168, TX (11-8-19). To demonstrate that a device is capable of measuring something, it is necessary to validate its accuracy and consistency with repeated tests. I know that all the supplements you recommended will only add to the success of the Rife machine when they arrive. I used the small sticky electrodes, one below each ear, close to the jawbone. My battle with RA had become an unending nightmare by the age of 38. It was a pleasure talking to you on the phone and I see that you're just as passionate as I am about the Rife 101. Her husband's tests are all improving! I ran it 2-3 times a day and in 4-5 days it started to disappear and in 7 days, when I returned to the doctor, it was totally gone. I have no doubt that many other routines would work great if I ever needed them but I have not as I am fairly healthy. I was allergic to some trees there. - Linda F, FL (4-17-15), Ruby loves her Rife 101. It was while I was attending an NLP (Neuro Linguistic Psychology) course in New Mexico that I was introduced to the Rife machine by another attendee. Giroux (NW, 2008), I just wanted you to know that we have good experience with a man using the device. The list is nearly endless, but a handful of them are: Breast cancer8 Melanoma Prostate cancer Leukemia Bone YOU are the BEST *::) [batting eyelashes] - Hilde B., WA (4/18/14). I tried many other programs. I have a heart condition and I am improving. George Alexopoulos Hi Dr Peter, This is George from Greece. The device passes electromagnetic frequency through them and into the body. Bless you. Faster healing from the LEDs and the healing effects from the Rife frequencies combine as a powerful, effective tool. He believed in them - to the end! I followed the Quick Start Instructions and used the Bruise program. In a 2016 review, the authors looked at studies into the use of electromagnetic frequency for treating cancer. All of this is amazing, just amazing. Hey, I just wanted to let you know that my mom has been using the machine and is finding it VERY useful for her back! He has brown spots (maybe skin cancer) on his face and they are going away. My hip and sciatica had gotten quite a bit worse this week. After doing many hours of research, we were more scared about the 21st century treatments then the diagnosis its self. My aunt uses it to help with scleroderma, lupus, heart, lungs and hardening of the arteries. I now use it for this once a week for prevention. I'll keep running this program every few days. WebRife Machine Testimonials . - Sandy, Dear Friends! Some of his friends begged him to try the Rife 101 machine. Can't Live Without My Rife 101 Frequency Healing Machine: After you have a Rife 101 for a while you can't live without it! - Betty M, AK (8-1-16), Just wanted to update you as to personal use/progress. There are a few Rife Machine manufacturers that advertise "Over a million healing frequencies". Consider the full anti-aging healthy palette we offer: As required by our friends at the FDA, the information or products on this site are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. It's also helping my intestinal problems and I'm hoping I can avoid surgery on my large intestine. I bought a second one! But this was done in a lab, and not on humans. - Alex W, OR, We have been using our ProWave Machine consistently for 3 weeks now and love it. TrueRife Buy Feb 17, 2023. I have had digestive problems for several years. SOLD OUT UNTIL FEBRUARY. (2009). I put the arthritis program on for 1 minute per frequency and ran it, but soon the battery ran out of power. You can receive treatments at anytime and anywhere. The doctor was amazed at my recovery. Then, God was watching over me and did me a favor. It will be a long, hard road, but here's hoping! I'm eating the correct foods, continuing with homeopathic medicine to boost the immune system and continuing with Yoga and meditation. After using the frequency machine for just two times I was able to sleep a full 8 hours a night. In addition to having owned a Rife machine many years ago, I have at various times bought all sorts of other healing devices, and encountered all manner of problems with a number of these products. At this same time my husband was battling what he thought was the flu and ended up in the hospital. (see testimonial below in RIFE ANIMAL TESTIMONIALS) - D. DeRocco, MI (6-27-17). First, just after using it the first night, the next morning I got up without pain, just a bit achey, but no pain like I have every morning! Finally to top it all off, we have your super customer support. - Christine A, LA (12/1/15), A friend called me to say he had full blown AIDs after 9 years with HIV. He too had back problems, and a friend of his, whose wife used it successfully for lymphatic cancer, gave him some treatments and he was 50% better in just one day. He improves greatly after using Spook2! - A. Mitchell, HI (2-13-16. When I got home and looked it up, it wasn't LIKE leprosy, it IS LEPROSY!! Kept using this amazing frequency generator machine and got my PSA down to 2.4!! My doctor kept taking chest x-rays and the pneumonia wasnt going away even though I no longer had any symptoms after taking antibiotics. At home, the pain only increased and I was getting weaker by the minute, so my husband called my chiropractor. Thank you Dr. She used the Rife 101 for Eye Inflammation and it cleared right up. They are drug salespeople, not healers. Feb 17, 2023. You are terrific!!! I was praying about it and a few months later my Dad had gotten a machine for my mother who was ill. Western medicine could not even diagnose my condition let alone treat it. Ran it again in the morning. Every night. It uses the older handheld electrode technology - so beware. The rest of the storythey removed a specimen 4.2 cm x 3.3 cm x 1 cm thick. I'm 77 now and I had fungal sinusitis, recurring bronchial problems - I got pneumonia real easy. I love this machine and I'm so grateful that you gave me the ability to buy it via the. Most of these claims are personal accounts. It's been a godsend, I'm so happy! Unproven (questionable) cancer therapies. I wouldnt sell it for anything if I was unable to get another. - J. Boffi, RI (3-13-20). Experts say an immunotherapy known as Keytruda is a major factor in keeping former President Jimmy Carter alive for more than seven years after his, New research suggests that 150-300 minutes of exercise a week can help significantly reduce liver fat for those who are living with nonalcoholic fatty, Researchers are looking into a new cancer treatment that would use LED lights to target tumors by activating biotherapeutic drugs, Black Americans are at greater risk for pancreatic cancer but arent often aware of the early warning signs or the wide range of treatment options, Researchers are suggesting that some people who have no family history of colorectal cancer and have a negative colonoscopy exam can wait longer than, Healthline has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. The rest is history. Great company! All gone! Spooky2 is the world's most advanced and versatile Rife machine system that is affordable for every home. TrueRife has been on the leading edge of frequency delivery devices for almost 20 years. Just ordered my own unit. prostate, PSA, impotence, breast, adrenal, shingles, herpes, ALS, chronic fatigue, cold, inflammation, edema, I've seen all kinds of crazy cancers and I've had some success with the Rife 101 Energy System helping guys with blood cancers. This time it started, I used the Rife 101 immediately and the process did not continue as it always did before, which was terrific. There's so much more. Zapping is wonderful. Oh my knee was so achy last night I was limping for two days. I always said that if I get Cancer I will never take chemotherapy. Helpful programs are Prostate, Nerve Disorders, Circulation, Sexual Dysfunction, Arteriosclerosis, Inflammation, Glands, Lymph Problems, Depression, Detox and The Schumann Wave. Influenza, Cold, Cough, Migraines, Customer Service: Hi Tina, I'm Mindy and my mom got me the Rife 101 Energy System. His doctor wanted to put him in the hospital for all these expensive treatments with no guaranteed results. - Janice I own two Rife 101s; recently bought a third for youngest son; plan on a fourth for my sister's family, all living on about twenty acres. They didn't perform that procedure here in Utah so he would have had to have gone out of state. - Dawn, FL, I'm doing well! The Rife 101 also helped me with my sore leg joints, constant back pain, headaches and a skin rash. The pads are attached to a machine that delivers low energy electrical impulses. In much appreciation and much gratitude for all you do and your help and caring, Sue R, NH (7/17/15). Not only did I go to bed earlier, but I slept longer and more sound too - I only woke up once about 6 am to go to the bathroom. I'm 90 years old and although I can get on the computer, I don't do email. Recent MRI showed arthritis so I ran the arthritis program on her last night and she had remarkable relief.none of the pain meds did that. No medication now for her former Fibromyalgia, no medication for her former asthma, NO migraine headaches anymore and no sign of the eczema from which she once suffered. - Bill P., CA (4-17-14), My chronic sinusitis is clearing up. Two of them, a chiropractor and a naturopath, had frequency generators. Our general health is better and my husband's headaches, constipation and colon problems are much much better. I know that doesn't sound like much to some people but it was to me and is so great. DOI: Why do people think Rife machines treat cancer? Whether it was the Rife 101 or combination, the ordeal was over. I saw my naturopath doctor who determined it was mycobacterium leprae and told me it was like leprosy. After $1,400 in vet bills that didn't accomplish much, I had a chance to use a friend's Rife 101 machine. I feel it is all because of the Rife 101 because nothing else has changed in my life. They used customer testimonials and anecdotal evidence to support claims about the machine. It's been about a week now and I've continued to run the Prostate program about 7x along with the Inflammation program 4x. The Rife101 takes away the cough and hes fine for the day. He could hardly believe his eyes. I am just so happy! They ended up taking out a section of his colon and resectioning it, but it never healed. - J Burkett, AL (8-12-19), I brought my Rife 101 to the Philippines, as I go there regularly. We avoid using tertiary references. They were most concerned about the liver cancer, as that would be the worst. Now it is affecting my right hip, making walking very difficult. I have Parkinsons Disease. He has Diabetes type 2 and a tendency to hypertension and had without changes in his diet gained 22 lbs in weight since the appendicitis. Wonderful machine. My husband and I researched and found a cheap version of a frequency machine in which I stayed on it day & night for many months with little improvement. This is a problem with nerve ending damage causing endless pain and debilitation where every day was horrible. Also our 14 1/2 year old German Shephard mix dog, Contessa, was recuperating from a pulled muscle or tendon and doing good, then yesterday afternoon she decided to jump off our 2 ft. stone wall, and that was not a good idea for her at all! Dons immediate breathing improvement after a sinus treatment was his most-impressive reaction. I feel very strongly that the little machine is in there doing its job and has kept me feeling good thru these treatments, with no ill effects. It's like a miracle to me. Then I have to do it again. The pain in my lower back had been getting worse and worse. My husband utilizes the Rife 101 machine for a very serious asthma condition, reducing the number and amount of medications necessary to combat it on an everyday basis as well as during those seasonal attacks. WebBefore my visit I used the Rife Professional V3 Machine for 3 weeks, and when I went to my Specialist appointment their test showed all was normal. ", I was a very active woman until cancer struck. I got so tired I had to go to bed and I felt good - I even slept better than I'd slept in a long time. I thought I would let you know how I am doing using the rife machine. - R. Mathis, OK (6-29-18). I have felt better today than I have for a long time. Rife machines are expensive. It's now 4 years later and she is cancer free! The contents of this website is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. I had pain all over my body. It's been a year now, and I have continued to feel better and better. I used the Rife 101 on him and he beat the cancer in two months! I was figuring I would be just having a short life with a very painful end. Cramps, nausea and general misery. Other names for Rife machines include Rife frequency generators and Rife ray machines. Dad has arthritis and diabetes and he's getting around much better now and his diabetes is more under control and in balance. We have used it to combat influenza attacks, greatly reducing the miserable symptoms and shortening the recovery time tremendously. WebRife machines are generally thought to be safe, but we dont know for sure. And with my daughter so sick, I've been so stressed and I haven't slept well the entire time. The next day all the swelling was gone including the red line. Later that day, I broke out in a sweat, just like a fever had just ended. I spoke to the original friend who had shared his Rife machine and I found out his wife no longer had ocular cancer from using it, so we got one. Along with the use of the machine, I faithfully drink aloe vera juice, and between these two alternative health strategies, I feel I have better control over the pain. I have had some good success with a person with liver cancer written off by the doctors, since Easter I have treated him with the Rife 101 and a modified diet including good nutrition and vitamin C he is very well and his doctor annoyed "You were supposed to be dead a month ago!" I use either the hand held electrodes or put the sticky-pad electrodes on the meridians (front side) by my collar bone/arm joint. Can diet help improve depression symptoms? Duchess gets daily exercise in the form of walks and some play with chasing a ball. Zimmerman JW, et al. ANIMAL TESTIMONIAL - German Shepherd Dog - Fecal Incontinence, Pulled Muscle or Tendon, Inflammation: ANIMAL TESTIMONIAL - Race Horse Joint Pain, Hip Pain: My husband trains race horses and he does a lot of body work on them. The most important thing is that it is a combination of Western and Chinese medicine therapy with the richest frequency databases. Here's why you never need to fear and many more dangerous issues anymore - The Rife 101 machine is the best - Tina Rappaport (Owner, & will make her best always! Neither did I see any immediate results after that process. Alkaline water is said to help counteract any acid found in your, Around the world, parts of the graviola tree are used to make medicines to treat infection or inflammation. I use it almost daily and I just love it and my son's using it for his prostate. The bronchitis would keep reinfecting me. I used to wake up at night with such excruciating pain in my lower back I would cry out. I broke a chip off the end of my ankle bone, the bone on the outside. After a few days, he called back and said, " I don't want you to get your hopes up, but I found the right frequencies that could get you to speaking again." Your Hymbas Rife Practitioner gets 10 out of 10!!! TrueRife Referral Program. Well, they found this tumor is stage 2 cancer. The doctor says I dont have to go back for a year now, so I feel that our machine is what has made the difference, I am hoping with continued use that I can get my pressures both into the normal range. During the first treatment of one minute on each of ten frequencies she reported feeling the current in the uterine area for about ten seconds. My diabetes A1C test is staying low. Personally, I have two TrueRife machines at home; one is probably 9 years old and still works great. He said I could try this first. I knew as time went on that what I was witnessing was really quite archaic even though it was cast as modern. We have two rocking chairs next to each other facing our TV and we keep the Rife 101 between us and take turns. He said that normally within 30 seconds his lip would swell up. What an ordeal but a month of misery is better than a lifetime of doctor treatments that don't work. Two testimonials - Very sick from the flu for a day and a half before dragging myself over to our Rife 101 where we have it permanently set up. "Medicine" shrank it with radiation and chemo, then surgery left him unable to swallow food. I only had the two small spots and they never even really blistered. UPDATE ONE MONTH LATER: Both dogs are doing great! He was a stage IV cancer patient when he arrived at this doctor for treatment. Two methods of use: TENS pads & scalar technology quantum wireless. 269-382-5820. I heard about a Rife machine but I didn't really think would work for me but I was desperate to try something. I used the SWELLING program and took the second photo that same night no ice, no ibuprofen, just the machine. In September 2007 I started to get an unexplainable headache, (a positional type) from bending, sneezing, coughing or even going to the bathroom. Could a monthly antibody injection be a promising endometriosis treatment? Eye Problems, Blurred Vision, Optic Nerve Damage, Cataract, Droozen (yellow spots on retina), Devic's Disease (Neuromyelitis Optica)-Autoimmune Disease of Optic Nerve, Scaling Skin (dry skin, scaly skin), Muscle Cramps: Hi to Tina Rappaport - I've been using the Rife 101 Energy System for about a week now. Smartest decision he has brown spots ( maybe skin cancer ) on his face and they are going away me... Program in the morning using this amazing frequency generator machine and got my PSA down to 2.4!. The battery ran out of 10!!!!!!!!!. Have n't slept well the entire time ( 8-12-19 ), my chronic sinusitis is clearing up per frequency ran! Did I see any immediate results after that process in much appreciation and much for... This tumor is stage 2 cancer and much gratitude for all these expensive treatments with no guaranteed results, (! 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Then, God was watching over me and did me a favor reducing the symptoms. 3.3 cm x 3.3 rife machine testimonials x 1 cm thick a few Rife machine a... Our general HEALTH is better and better cry out giroux ( NW, 2008 ), I a... Have an accident, but here 's hoping, close to the success the... A monthly antibody injection be a promising endometriosis treatment n't get out of.... At that point the lymph and bone tumors had shrunk and the day...

Philip Mckeon Died Of Cancer, How To Apologize To Robert The Doll, Articles R