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Your spleen is an organ located just below your left rib cage. These are related to the underlying disease. In some cases, an enlarged spleen will not respond to treatment. Cancer of the spleen usually occurs when another type of cancer spreads. If you experience pain in the upper left side of your abdomen that is severe, or if the pain worsens when you breathe, see your doctor as soon as possible.To treat your enlarged spleen, your doctor will have to treat the underlying cause. It is usually a symptom of another problem. Advertising on our site helps support our mission. What is an enlarged spleen? This is a surgery called a splenectomy and it is an inpatient procedure that … If the size of the spleen is enlarged, it gets inflamed and swollen with severe pain in the left upper abdomen.

Enlarged spleen is generally termed as Splenomegaly. In some cases, the spleen will need to be removed surgically. Spleen Removal Surgery. But if your doctor recommends imaging, you generally don't need any special preparation for an ultrasound or MRI.If you're having a CT scan, however, you may need to refrain from eating before the test. These may include blood tests, an Limit any activities that could rupture your spleen, such as contact sports.

An enlarged spleen, a condition known as splenomegaly, is not in itself a disease. It can happen for many reasons, including problems with too many platelets and other disorders of the blood.Most people don't know they have an enlarged spleen because symptoms are rare.

This could cause your spleen to not be able to filter your blood properly.If your spleen becomes too big, it can start to remove too many red blood cells from your blood.

A ruptured spleen can lead to heavy internal bleeding that can be life-threatening.Avoid playing contact sports, such as soccer or hockey, and make sure that you wear a seatbelt when you’re in a car. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. Any use of this site constitutes your agreement to the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy linked below. Ask your doctor if you need any additional vaccines.Mayo Clinic does not endorse companies or products. Many conditions — including infections, liver disease and some cancers — can cause an enlarged spleen, also known as splenomegaly (spleh-no-MEG-uh-lee).An enlarged spleen usually doesn't cause symptoms. You may be prescribed antibiotics if there's an infection. Other tests may include imaging, such as ultrasounds, CT scans, and MRIs.Treatment depends on the etiology of the splenomegaly (what is causing the spleen to become larger). In most cases, treatment of the underlying cause of the enlarged spleen can prevent removal of the spleen. In certain cases, surgery is required to remove the spleen (an operation called If you have an enlarged spleen, you should be careful not to play contact sports like football or hockey, due to the risk of rupture or bleeding.Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 07/16/2018. Advertising revenue supports our not-for-profit mission.Check out these best-sellers and special offers on books and newsletters from Mayo Clinic. Splenomegaly is a condition that occurs when your spleen becomes enlarged. So WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. An enlarged spleen can create a problem. Bacterial infections can be cleared up with antibiotics. At that point, if it is impacting your health, your doctor may say that it’s necessary to have it surgically removed. The spleen is normally about the size of a fist. Instead, you'll receive treatment for any underlying condition and your spleen will be monitored. Or you may have a bone marrow aspiration, which removes the liquid portion of your marrow. If you need to prepare, your doctor will let you know well in advance.Sometimes you may need more testing to find the cause of an enlarged spleen, including liver function tests and a bone marrow exam. You'll have to see your doctor for reevaluation in six to 12 months or sooner if you develop any symptoms.If an enlarged spleen causes serious complications or the cause can't be identified or treated, surgical removal of your spleen (splenectomy) may be an option. A needle is inserted into the bone through an incision. These tests can provide more-detailed information about your blood cells than can blood drawn from a vein.A sample of solid bone marrow is sometimes removed in a procedure called a bone marrow biopsy. This is referred to as a splenectomy. But diseases can cause it to swell and become many times its normal size. You will also likely need diagnostic tests to confirm the cause of the swollen spleen.

We do not endorse non-Cleveland Clinic products or services. Radiation therapy effectively reduces the symptoms associated with chronic lymphocyte leukemia by … The patient will be required to visit a doctor as soon as the symptoms appear . This applies in cases where the spleen is enlarged but there are no symptoms and the cause can be located. If you get into an accident, your seatbelt will help protect your organs, including your spleen, and will reduce the chance of trauma to your organs.With treatment of the underlying cause of your enlarged spleen, you can go on to live a normal, healthy life.© 2005-2020 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. Infections, such as Other potential causes of an enlarged spleen include:If you experience the symptoms of an enlarged spleen, it’s important to make an appointment with your doctor. This means the surgery is performed through small incisions. 9500 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44195 |

If a virus caused your infection, as is the case with mononucleosis, antibiotics would be of no help.In serious cases, your doctor might suggest that you have your spleen removed, which is called a It’s entirely possible to live a normal, healthy life after having your spleen removed. For example, if you have a bacterial infection, treatment will include antibiotics.If you have an enlarged spleen but don't have any symptoms and the cause can't be found, your doctor may suggest watchful waiting. In many cases, both procedures are performed at the same time (bone marrow exam).Both the liquid and solid bone marrow samples are usually taken from the pelvis. You'll need to avoid contact sports for a while, as you'll be at …

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